Five Pawns Grandmaster 60ml
Five Pawns Grandmaster is a smooth, creamy peanut butter e-liquid that features balancing flavor elements of naturally sweet banana cream and velvety caramel. This e-liquid revolves around a base of smooth and creamy all-natural Peanut Butter, unlike any Peanut Butter flavor you’ve ever experienced before. This buttery sensation is blended with rich Banana Cream and velvety Caramel to provide a well-rounded, medium-bodied throat hit. It is perfect for vapers searching for a savory, mellow, and lightly sweet e-liquid with lots of natural flavors.
Capacity - 60ml
Nicotine - 0mg, 3mg, 6mg, 12mg
The Max QTY available is 0.
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WARNING:Our products may contain nicotine. Nicotine is an additive product. Our products are restricted to adults 21+ only. Our products are only intended for committed smokers of legal smoking age and not by children, women who are pregnant or may become pregnant or any person with an elevated risk of, or preexisting condition of, any medical condition which includes, but is not limited to, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure or asthma. Wismec makes no claims that the electronic cigarette will cure a smoker's addiction to nicotine.
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